Lung Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Stages & Treatment

Cancer of the lungs is a common type of cancer that is associated with the human lungs. The human lungs are two spongy shaped organs in the chest that takes in oxygen when we inhale and expels carbon dioxide when we exhale. 

Cancer of the lungs has been proven to be the major cause of death in many countries as it affects both men and women. It is more deadly than other diseases like colon, prostate, ovarian, and breasts cancers.

Lung Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Stages & Treatment

The two general types of lung cancer include:

Small cell lung cancer :

This type of cancer is more evident in heavy smokers and is rarer than non-small cell lung cancer.

Non-small cell lung cancer :

This type of cancer is used to classify several types of cancers that have the same effect on the human lungs. It includes squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.

 Causes of lung cancer in nonsmokers:

        Smoking on a minimal basis and inhaling smoke from people smoking can result in lung cancer.
        Lung cancer can also result from air pollution caused by wastes from cars, factories, and other sources.
        The effect of asbestos exposure increases the risk of lung cancer and a combination of this with cigarette smoking raises the risk to a higher level of approximately 50 times.
        The risk of cancer of the lungs is also increased when one has lung diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
        Exposure to radon also increases the risk of lung cancer.
        The risk of lung cancer is increased when one is constantly exposed to arsenic, chromium, nickel, aromatic hydrocarbons, and others.

        A consistent cough that doesn't go away
        Coughing up blood
        Shortness of breath
        Chest pain
        Losing weight without trying
        Bone pain
        A headache

The treatment of lung cancer greatly depends on the presence of SCLC or NSCLC, and also on the tumor stage.

Lung Cancer Medical Treatment

In the case of small cell lung cancer (SCLC), patients whose diseases are confined to one lung and its regional lymph nodes (limited disease) are identified and separated from those with extensive stage disease. Limited stage diseases are often treated with radiation and chemotherapy, causing the disease to become hibernate. More than 80% of the patients that undergo this treatment will experience this disease again after 2 years, while 10% of patients may experience it again in 5years or more.

Lung Cancer Surgery

Lung cancer surgery is a preferable treatment for patients showing early stage NSCLC. However, a great number of these patients have an advanced or metastatic disease and as such are not suitable for surgery upon completion of their staging evaluation.

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