Startups are incredibly delicate enterprises. Regardless of the domain, you work in, there are probably several well-established competitors you are expected to go up against them. One bad financial decision can cost you your whole company, and funds might not always be readily available. Every element of the cost of running your company needs to be analyzed. You need to justify not just to your employees but to your investors.
If you are a startup relying heavily on cloud resources, the impact of the cost of these resources on your balance sheet can be huge. Especially if cloud computing is a regular part of your business, it would be prudent of you to try and indulge in some cloud cost optimization to get the most out of the cloud resources you subscribe to. Here some ways that you can do the same.
Determine Resources That Are Unused
Before you start tinkering with your subscription rates and volumes, you must determine the efficiency with which your current resources are being utilized. It is not uncommon for large volumes of cloud resources to remain unused or unattached, not being available for regular use. First and foremost, be on the lookout for temporary servers that are not turned off and that you are still being charged for.
Look For Underutilized and Idle Resources
Alongside resources that are not being used, you must also look for resources used below their ideal capacity. If the utilization of memory allotted for a particular task is 10%, you can release some of this memory to be available for other tasks. It allows you to realize more computational power with the same volume.
Leverage on Heatmaps
Heatmaps allow you to analyze the usage of your computational resources at different times during the day. They help you determine when your resources are being utilized the most and what times during the day are dormant. Based on this analysis, you can scale down your servers and save costs.
There is no doubt that startups often need to eliminate static and underutilized resources to cut costs. However, it is also essential that companies do not reduce their outputs or lose out on efficiency when performing such cost-cutting. Using the above methods, startups can retain their operational efficiency while getting the most out of the cloud resources they subscribe to.
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