What Is a Fertility Clinic? How to Choose the Right One?

If you are planning to get pregnant and it’s been more than a year trying to get conceive and been unsuccessful then you may visit a fertility clinic to diagnose the problem and suggest solutions. Since there are many fertility hospital popped up today, it may be hard to choose. You should make sure that the clinic is reputable, has high success rates and offer all the related technology and services you are looking for.

Therefore, you need to do a little homework before you visit the clinic and ask the right questions before you commit.

Find out what kind of tests or procedures you may need to go through in the treatment process and think about whether you will be able to undergo this process.  The cost involved in infertility treatment will be more than a lack of rupees. There will be medications throughout the process and you may feel like a roller coaster.

When it’s time to choose a best fertility center first make a list of preferences like the success rates of that clinic, check on the quality control and strong ethics, ask questions to others whom you meet such as is the staff and doctors been there from a long time or they are been changed frequently as it can be a bad sign of management.

Ask what procedures they often perform?  Check whether the clinic has all the infertility remedies and are familiar with the latest technology, do they treat only for certain age group, that means they are concerned about ethical issues.

Find the cost of IVF treatment so that you will be aware of what you will be going through.
A good center will be adopting new technologies, so while evaluating a clinic this could be helpful for you. Make sure whether they have been using new technologies such as pre-implantation genetic screening and cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos. Make sure that they grow embryos out to the blastocyst stage which has high success rates.

Choose a clinic where a single embryo transfer is done instead of multiple embryos. Because carrying multiples may sometime lead to complications including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm delivery, low birth weight babies and health problems in early childhood.

Additional services- check whether they have additional services to lower stress, as low stress will improve IVF success.  Many clinics offer counseling to help the patients and also have support groups, acupuncture, fertility yoga, and nutritionist.

Since IVF treatment takes a long time, try comparing different clinics and understand their process before stepping into it.

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