What Is Cardiology? & What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Attack?

You live a very comfortable life. You party until the wee hours of the morning. You smoke like there is no tomorrow. You guzzle liquor like water. You never exercise or exert any effort, because you do not like the feel of sweat rolling down your forehead. And after years of this lifestyle, time seems to have taken its toll. For more information visit the Best Cardiologists in India.

At present, you are experiencing some chest pains, coupled with shortness of breath at any time when you attempt to stroll a long way. You never concept that this may occur to you, even with the type of tradition you lead. However now you utterly clutch that you are not as omnipotent and mighty as you thought you were.

One of your friends refers you to a doctor. The doctor is not only any surgeon. Your buddy has referred you to a doctor who makes a specialist of coronary heart problems - a cardiologist.

What Is Cardiology

What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Attack?

Symptoms Of Panic Attacks:

Here are panic attacks symptoms that are the physical feelings an individual experiences concerning their body such as:

1) Rapid breathing that seems to be out of your control

2) The very noticeable pounding of the heart or irregular heartbeat

3) Chest issues such as tightness or a feeling of pressure

4) Choking type feeling

5) Nausea or an upset stomach

6) One may experience extreme Sweating

7) Lightheaded or Dizziness

8) Pins and needle feelings in the hands and feet


For cardiologists to discover what situation your coronary heart is in, they perform a complete physical checkup and examination first. The result furnishes information regarding your coronary heart's condition. Together with that, you can be requested about your wellbeing historical earlier and your loved ones as just right.

You are going even to be requested about your subculture and habits. This may show up unrelated to yours. However, these portions of understanding will supply the cardiologist solutions regarding your coronary heart condition.

Heart Attack:

A coronary heart attack can come on step by step, preceded using a few attacks of angina over days, weeks, months or even years. (Angina is the title given to the chest ache that arises when the muscular wall of the center is temporarily disadvantaged with adequate oxygen.) However, a coronary heart attack could also come up with none obvious warning, and in folks who have never previously experienced any chest pain.

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To Book an instant appointment online, Check Best Cardiologist in your nearby Cities :

·         Best Cardiologist in Bangalore
·         Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad
·         Best Cardiologist in Chennai
·         Best Cardiologist in Kolkata
·         Best Cardiologist in Mumbai
·         Best Cardiologist in Delhi

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